Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

I'm so lucky to have a husband who also happens to be one of the best fathers out there. Here are some of my favorite moments from the last two and a half years of Ken's life as a dad to Jasper and Pearl.
This picture was shot weeks after Pearl was born. Ken has that newbie dad look in his eyes: happy but totally freaked out.

By spring of that year, you can see that Pearl and Ken are two peas in a pod.

I have no idea what is going on in this photograph, but it looks like fun, I'm just thankful that I heard the giggling from downstairs and happened to grab the camera. As I came up the stairs and peaked around the corner, this is the mayhem I walked in on.

My favorite moments are catching these two having catnaps together

Pearl loves to work out with daddy and does a pretty good job of following the routine.
Pearl and Ken sporting very similar hairstyles

Ken nurturing Pearl's fascination for motorcycles. I will thank him for this in another 15 years I'm sure.
At the Sheboygan County Fair, holding a day-old goat
Ken helps Pearl blow her candles out on her 2nd birthday. He spent the better part of a weekend making that lovely birthday hat from scratch. She wore it proudly on her big day - and for many days afterward.
We won't talk about the mustache that Ken is sporting in this photograph. Clearly, it doesn't faze Pearl.
I'm sure ten years ago Ken never thought he'd become an expert at making ponytails or hosting pretend tea parties (see below)

Having a blast inside a fishbowl at the Vancouver Aquarium

Pearl and Ken's first collaboratively made snow man. Good thing he has a blaze orange hat on so the hunters see him.
Pearl and Ken taking a stroll down the beach on Lake Michigan. He's teaching her the fine art of beach glass hunting, which she's now very good at.
One last walk just the two of them before the arrival of Jasper. Ken has prepped her well on the responsibilities that come with being a big sister.
And now, an exciting new adventure to come!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Our Little Helper

In the last two months that Pearl has assumed the role of Big Sister, she is constantly surprising us with her helpful and nurturing ways.  Here are a few moments captured where she is giving a helping hand with her baby brother. Of course, I don't tend to pull the camera out when she decides to steal Jasper's new toys or has a meltdown because the focus isn't on her, but lets focus on the positive! The good news is that most of her responses to her baby brother are positive.

Pearl insisted on giving Jasper his first bottle. She was very gentle and careful with this task as I'm sure she felt the weight of this responsibility.

Pearl exhibits great calm under pressure here as her baby brother wails and squirms while she's holding him. She's doesn't let the stress of her brother's cries get to her in the least - This little girl could teach me a few lessons in patience!

Monkey See, Monkey do...Pearl often nurses her doll while I"m feeding Jasper. The only problem with this is that she steals my nursing pillow all the time when I need it!

"Um, can I have some privacy please?"(Her actual words as I took this photo)

Pearl loves to play "Dr." with her dolls. Looks like she has a new patient to operate on.
Pearl helps give Jasper his baths. But mostly she likes splashing him in the face with water.
Her favorite thing to do these days is to make Jasper smile, by whatever means possible
Pearl's great with helping out with Jasper, but here she also proves she can multitask.

And the biggest bonus has been that Pearl will often go in to work for mommy and daddy so that we can take care of things on the home front. She's best at taking messages and answering emails.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


In the seven weeks that Jasper has been with us, many of them have been spent sharing our new joy with family and friends who have come from far and wide to visit. It has been a fantastic spring here in Kohler and Jasper and Pearl have been soaking up the attention, cuddles and story times with loved ones. Thanks to all who made the trek to the Middle!

Ken's parents came out shortly after Jasper was born and logged lots of snuggle time with our new sleepy babe. 

Three generations of Hanna men. I see some major resemblances.

Somehow we managed to take a day trip down to Madison to visit the zoo when Jasper was just days old. Crazy second time parents!

Pearl giving the big thumbs up to the zoo carousel
My sister Karri was next to visit, and we put her to work pretty quick as you can see here she has her hands full with a few needy little ones. But being a seasoned momma of young-ins, you can tell she's taking it all in stride.

I called Karri the baby-whisperer because every time Jasper had a fussy spell, she could rock that kid and he would be down for the count in seconds. Her powers in this department are mystical.

 My parents were next to visit and by that point, I don't think Jasper knew what it felt outside of someone's arms. He was thoroughly enjoying all of the snuggles with "Nonnie and Pop-pops."

 At our favorite local kid spot, Bookworm Gardens. Pearl is giving Pop-pops the grand tour.

Our last visitor was my sister Kristin, who came out for the memorial day weekend. We had a nice visit filled with BBQ's and outdoor play. By this time Jasper was really waking up and starting to respond to smiles with his own gummy grins.

For some reason, Pearl had a longing for winter and decided to put on every winter accessory she owns despite the 80 degree weather. Toddler Logic.
Pearl enjoying the sandbox with her auntie- in weather appropriate clothing - at the neighbors' BBQ.